Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thai Saek , Baan Aad Samat , Nakhon Phanom.


      The Thai Saek people in Baan Aad Sa Mart , 4 km.
from down town Nakhon Phanom , are one of the most 
well-known ethnic group in the province.They originally
came from northern part of  LaoPDR. over hundred year
ago. The Thai Saek today are Buddhism mixed with their
 traditional ethnic beliefs. 
        Ancestor worship at the village spirit house " Den 
Wang Ong Moo " is the most important activity in the 
village, so the main event here is the tradition "Saek Ten 
Saak " festival which held annually on 2nd day of waxing
moon on the 3rd lunar month of  the year toplease the 
ancestor spirit .
         " Saek Ten SaaK " (or the Saek Pestle Dance ) is 
tradition ritual dance, if the dance is to be performed in
another period , the spirit leader will  have to ask 
permission by offering a pig head , money 20 baht and 
liqueur ,  then pick up a predictive color stick. If the 
leader pick up a stick  of the same color, that mean the 
spirit does not allow. The dancers will perform to the 
fast rhythm of drums and striking pestles painted in 
red and white.

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